Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Puppy cut

We will be going camping at Lake Shasta in a few days.
The weather forecast calls for 100+ degree day time temperatures.
So, we sent Rainier for a haircut.
Jessica originally wanted a lion cut... the body shaved but the fur on the head trimmed.
I was not too keen on that... and apparently, neither were the groomers.

So, Rainier landed up getting a "puppy cut".
And Jessica requested for the ribbons.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The calm after the storm

After they get rough and rowdy for maybe 30-60 minutes, right after Harley, the Great Dane arrives for day care. Rainier, our Landseer Newfoundland and Harley finally calm down.

There is still some activity, but the ruckus before they lay down for this kind of play will drive most people out of their minds...

I am sure there is a significance in why they lay their paws over the others paws... dominance?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Big Dog Dream Team

Move over Team USA. Move over Dream Team.
Move over King James and Queen Bryant.
Here comes King Harley and Queen Rainier....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Walking Rainier

I have what we (Jessica and I) have termed as "night duty".
I take Rainier out at about 11:30pm for her to pee, and maybe poop, before we go to bed.
Some of the nights, especially if she has had an "exciting" day at the dog park, she is not very inspired to go out.
So, this is how I walk her on those nights....

Now, that's the Newfie in her!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

When dogs attack a lion...

a stuffed toy lion, that is...

A happy hunting day for Rainier and Harley....

They have cornered their prey and are tugging at the lion!!

The lion is DONE! These vicious dogs are systemically tearing the lion apart!!

Half the lion has gone to Harley and the other half to Rainier.

Harley devouring the guts of his portion of the lion.

Rainier devouring the guts of her portion of the lion.
Ok, it's really not that gross... it's just cotton!!!

Oh wait! Let's check out the others portion of the lion.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

Oh wait! Are you sure the lion is dead. Let's rip him up AGAIN!
If not for Jessica coming to save the already halved lion, they would have torn the half into another half.

Those are vicious dogs!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Say hello to my not-so-little friend

This is Mitsu. She is a 10 week old Great Dane.
Our friends from the San Francisco Bay Area, Elaine and Sok, had driven up to Seattle to pick her up.
So, for the 4-5 days they were here, Rainier had a friend to play with.

Mitsu is really clumsy right now. She is still trying to find her legs.
The first day Elaine and Sok got her, she refused to walk to go pee...

She needed some "help".

She was really nervous, but she warmed up quite quickly.
At first, she was terrified of Rainier. But that changed pretty quickly too.
Rainier forgets her size and has to be supervised when playing with a smaller dog.

But they got along just fine after the first 24 hours.

They played with each other... with Rainier being the bully.

They lay with each other...

They even napped together... but not for very long.

Then Mitsu had a visitor that terrorized her!

It was....

Jackson... the 15 lb King Charles Cavalier/Poodle mix!!
I have posted about Jackson previously. Jackson has a big dog attitude in a small dog's body.
Jackson was running circles all around Mitsu, literally... and Mitsu must have been wondering what the hell that creature was....

Mitsu has gone back to the Bay Area but we will be seeing her again at the end of July. She will have grown bigger and we can't wait to see her!!