Saturday, April 21, 2012

Play date with Jackson... and Winnie.

We are going to be watching Jackson this weekend and so we arranged a play date so Rainier could get acquainted with Jackson before this weekend. Jackson is a 10 month old Poodle/King Charles Cavalier mix. Jessica says Jackson thinks he is a Great Dane!!

The play date also included Winnie...

But it seems like Jackson is more adventurous than Winnie and dares to take on Rainier... more so than Winnie.

Hopefully Jackson's stay this weekend goes well...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our new old couch

We have been living without a couch for about 2 months. So, about a week ago, we bought a second hand couch. We had to consider that Rainier is still a little mouthy, and when bored, even with the tons of toys she has, she still chews furniture, so, that's why a second hand couch. Obviously, we have been hoping that Rainier doesn't "find" the couch. Well... the rest of the story is obvious...

Rainier "snacking" at the couch.

Bone in mouth, happy as a puppy.

When she was done snacking at the couch... it was time for a nap.

Woah, that's really not comfortable enough for a nap...
Let me move to the other side where there are pillows to rest my head...

All this while we are staring right at her... trying to keep a straight and stern face to tell her to get down... but deep inside, just waiting to burst out in laughter... cos "dogs do the darnest things"!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My paw is itchy!!

Rainier started this routine this evening. We have no idea what she was doing... we still don't. We can only guess her paw was itchy...

It was cute though...

Friday, April 13, 2012

My first swim

Well, we are not sure if it is Rainier's first swim. However, based on her slightly tentative approach to the water, we believe it is.

Today, together with Gill and Remi, Jessica brought Remi to Magnuson Park.
Magnuson Park is Seattle's largest off-leash dog park. 135 acres of free roaming area... with a beach front!!

Remi doesn't like the water. And Rainier is not too sure what to do. She likes the water, but as long as her feet can touch the ground... at least for now.

The car has a new driver

Move over dude... I'm driving!!

So you all know. I am only 10 months old in dog years, which is 70 months in human time. Which makes me almost 8 years old... which makes it ok for me to drive... in some countries. hehehehehe....

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Today, I went for a walk with Mommy...

Mommy made me climb up and down a hill. It was tiring...

But, after that, she took me to the dog park...
I had a blast!!!

When I was done... I was soooo tired....

Too tired to even stand up to drink...

Then, on the car ride home. Even though I am not allowed to climb to the front seat, I found enough strength to do so... but, even that was tiring.

Till my next trip to the dog park... Bye bye!!

Playdate with Maggie and Molly... and Winnie!

We know Maggie and Molly, the two 8 yr old Bishons that Jessica walks.
Meet Winnie, the 10 month old Havanese.

Before Rainier arrived, this is what they were doing....

Introduce the giant... Rainier.

When there's treats... we are all friends. And no one dog is too young ( and unruly) or too old.

Till the next playdate... ttfn!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The fan

A week or so ago, we bought a fan. No, it was not for us. It was for the cold weather loving Rainier.
For about a week, we thought we had wasted money on the fan.
She wasn't really into the fan.

Today, the weather hit a record high for Seattle. 70 degrees!
It was warm.

I guess the fan wasn't a waste of money after all. She spent most of the afternoon in front of the fan.

Rainier met...

her brother from another mother (and father!!) at the Golden Gardens Off Lease Area Dog Park...

We do not know if she will ever grow that big. But, that's also a male, which is usually larger than a female.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Another playdate with Maggie and Molly

We actually need Rainier to get used to Maggie and Molly as we have to pet sit them in a few weeks for a few days. So, Jessica is bringing them by as frequently as possible. Right now, the 2 older ladies think that the 10 month old is a little too rowdy for them. Hopefully that changes....

It's gonna take a few more play dates but I am sure we will get there...

Molly, hiding under a step ladder.

Maggie and Molly

Rainier, whose head is almost as big as the 2 smaller dogs!!

If I hide under this chair, you can't bother me!!

The Bully Stick

If you are expecting some story about bullies (someone or some dog picking on another), this is NOT a post about that.

Dog owners and lovers will know (and understand) what I am talking about when I say "bully stick".

Me (speaking to Jessica): What's wrong? Are you laughing or crying?
Jessica: I don't know. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Me: Why? What's going on?
Jessica: The bully stick. Do you know what it's made of?
Me: Probably the same stuff hot dogs are made of.
Jessica: Maybe. Do you know what beef pizzle is?
Me: Beef what?
Jessica: Beef pizzle.
Me: No... what?
Jessica: Beef penis! PENIS!
Me: errrrrr... so your dog likes...

I have always known that dogs love the bully stick and all the different bones and knuckles sold at pet stores. I have never wondered what some of these things are made of. As long as the dog likes them and it's not made from some hazardous stuff, its fine with me.
I still have no problem with what the bully stick is made of.

Bully Stick, as described by a certain website.
Pizzle, as defined on Wikipedia.

In fact, I have no problem with what's in hot dog either. If everything from a slaughtered animal is used, then, there is no wastage and no one should be complaining.
My gripe is not with what's used for a bully stick. My gripe is why the bully stick is so expensive. If the bull's penis is not a part that can be sold, or is in demand, for human consumption, then, it is practically considered a waste product. If that is so, then it shouldn't be so expensive. A 5-6 inch bully stick costs $5.99. Half that price would be reasonable.

Anyway, Rainier loves Bully Sticks. Jessica is still a little disturbed. And I? Life goes on!!!

Rainier, on her bed, enjoying her Bully Stick!

Rainier's first DIY shower

We decided to give Rainier a shower on our own... instead of spending money at a groomers. Besides, she was just at a groomer 2-3 weeks ago. So, we found a DIY place around here and off we went on our next adventure.

We were in for an adventure alright. She does love water... but she can't be still.
AND... she's got lotsa fur... lots and lots of fur...

There was fur flying all over the shop. I guess we will get better at doing this...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Playdate with Maggie and Mollie

Rainier's first playdate with Maggie and Mollie, two 8 yr old Bishon Frieses. Rainier thinks and acts like a 10 month old, but doesn't realize that she is the size of most fully grown BIG dogs. She tends to get on the nerves on these 2 older ladies...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

First long walk...

in a week...
It's been almost a week since Rainier was spayed. It's also been almost a week since we have taken her out on long walks or to the dog park.
Before she was spayed, we either took her to the dog park for at least an hour, or we would take her to walk around the lake... a 2.8 mile walk. Without all that, she was a dog with a lot of energy running wild around the house... sigh...

Well, today was a beautiful day in Seattle... so, we took her for a walk near the Sou
nd... I think... I have no idea where all these places are... but this is by the Marina.

It was a good walk and it definitely released some of that energy she has kept in her for the last week or so....

10 month old PUPPY!!!