Friday, April 6, 2012

The Bully Stick

If you are expecting some story about bullies (someone or some dog picking on another), this is NOT a post about that.

Dog owners and lovers will know (and understand) what I am talking about when I say "bully stick".

Me (speaking to Jessica): What's wrong? Are you laughing or crying?
Jessica: I don't know. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Me: Why? What's going on?
Jessica: The bully stick. Do you know what it's made of?
Me: Probably the same stuff hot dogs are made of.
Jessica: Maybe. Do you know what beef pizzle is?
Me: Beef what?
Jessica: Beef pizzle.
Me: No... what?
Jessica: Beef penis! PENIS!
Me: errrrrr... so your dog likes...

I have always known that dogs love the bully stick and all the different bones and knuckles sold at pet stores. I have never wondered what some of these things are made of. As long as the dog likes them and it's not made from some hazardous stuff, its fine with me.
I still have no problem with what the bully stick is made of.

Bully Stick, as described by a certain website.
Pizzle, as defined on Wikipedia.

In fact, I have no problem with what's in hot dog either. If everything from a slaughtered animal is used, then, there is no wastage and no one should be complaining.
My gripe is not with what's used for a bully stick. My gripe is why the bully stick is so expensive. If the bull's penis is not a part that can be sold, or is in demand, for human consumption, then, it is practically considered a waste product. If that is so, then it shouldn't be so expensive. A 5-6 inch bully stick costs $5.99. Half that price would be reasonable.

Anyway, Rainier loves Bully Sticks. Jessica is still a little disturbed. And I? Life goes on!!!

Rainier, on her bed, enjoying her Bully Stick!

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