Monday, June 18, 2012

Seattle Animal Shelter Furry 5k

We attended the Seattle Animal Shelter Furry 5K.
Rainier and I were supposed to walk it, while Jessica volunteered for the Shelter. However, Jessica had the opportunity to set up a booth for Luxe Paws Studio and so, Rainier and I landed up manning the booth.

Obviously, there were tons of dogs...

There was also a CAT!

Ok, but there really were tons of doggies...

and Rainier met her relative...

But, there were doggies galore...
Black ones...

White ones...

Brown ones...

and some undecided ones...

There were BIG dogs...

and small dogs...

and some people that came with both...

There were the well groomed ones...

and the... well...

there were those that just wore t-shirts...

and some that wore colorful dresses...

and others wore tutus...

there was some gang activity...

there was some food activity...

and there was some kid activity...

It was a wonderful dog day!!

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